

adjective ex·press \ik-ˈspres\

: said or given in a clear way

: of a particular kind

: traveling at high speed with few stops

Full Definition of EXPRESS

a :  directly, firmly, and explicitly stated <my express orders>
b :  exact, precise
a :  designed for or adapted to its purpose
b :  of a particular sort :  specific <for that express purpose>
a :  traveling at high speed; specifically :  traveling with few or no stops along the way <express train>
b :  adapted or suitable for travel at high speed <an express highway>
c British :  designated to be delivered without delay by special messenger

Origin of EXPRESS

Middle English, from Anglo-French expres, from Latin expressus, past participle of exprimere to press out, express, from ex- + premere to press — more at press
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of EXPRESS

explicit, definite, express, specific mean perfectly clear in meaning. explicit implies such verbal plainness and distinctness that there is no need for inference and no room for difficulty in understanding <explicit instructions>. definite stresses precise, clear statement or arrangement that leaves no doubt or indecision <the law is definite in such cases>. express implies both explicitness and direct and positive utterance <her express wishes>. specific applies to what is precisely and fully treated in detail or particular <two specific criticisms>.

Other Railroad Terms

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: by a system that delivers letters and packages quickly : by express

Full Definition of EXPRESS

obsolete :  expressly
:  by express <delivered express>

First Known Use of EXPRESS

14th century



: a system for delivering things (such as letters and packages) quickly

: a train or bus that travels quickly with few stops

Full Definition of EXPRESS

a British :  a messenger sent on a special errand
b British :  a dispatch conveyed by a special messenger
c (1) :  a system for the prompt and safe transportation of parcels, money, or goods at rates higher than standard freight charges
(2) :  a company operating such a merchandise freight service
d British :  special delivery
:  an express vehicle

First Known Use of EXPRESS




: to talk or write about (something that you are thinking or feeling)

: to make (your thoughts and feelings) known by doing something other than talking or writing

: to show (an amount, quantity, etc.) by a sign or a symbol

Full Definition of EXPRESS

transitive verb
a :  delineate, depict
b :  to represent in words :  state
c :  to give or convey a true impression of :  show, reflect
d :  to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself)
e :  to give expression to the artistic or creative impulses or abilities of (oneself)
f :  to represent by a sign or symbol :  symbolize
a :  to force out (as the juice of a fruit) by pressure
b :  to subject to pressure so as to extract something
:  to send by express
:  to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype; also :  to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic process
ex·press·er noun
ex·press·ible \-ə-bəl\ adjective

Origin of EXPRESS

Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French espresser, from expres, adjective
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of EXPRESS

express, vent, utter, voice, broach, air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. express suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, actions, or what one creates or produces <expressed her feelings in music>. vent stresses a strong inner compulsion to express especially in words <a tirade venting his frustration>. utter implies the use of the voice not necessarily in articulate speech <utter a groan>. voice does not necessarily imply vocal utterance but does imply expression or formulation in words <an editorial voicing their concerns>. broach adds the implication of disclosing for the first time something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion <broached the subject of a divorce>. air implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention <publicly airing their differences>.
EXPRESS[4] Defined for Kids


verb ex·press \ik-ˈspres\

Definition of EXPRESS for Kids

:  to make known especially in words <I expressed my surprise.>
:  to represent by a sign or symbol <The amount was expressed as a percentage.>
:  to send by a quick method of delivery



Definition of EXPRESS for Kids

:  clearly stated <an express order>
:  of a certain sort <I came for an express purpose.>
:  sent or traveling at high speed <express mail>



Definition of EXPRESS for Kids

:  a system for the quick transportation of goods <Send your package by express.>
:  a vehicle (as a train or elevator) run at special speed with few or no stops
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb ex·press \ik-ˈspres, ek-\

Medical Definition of EXPRESS

:  to make known or exhibit by an expression
a :  to force out by pressure <express milk manually or by electric pump> b :  to subject to pressure so as to extract something <some pumps express one breast at a time—Paula Lynn Parks>
:  to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype <a gene selectively expressed in lung tumors>; also :  to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic process <individuals with the gene express symptoms of the disease> <differentially expressed proteins>


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